Requirements for Morocco Tours: what you need
On this page we explain the requirements for traveling to Morocco, especially in relation to two issues:
The personal documentation that you must carry with you (passport and visa), and that will have to be regularized in advance of your trip.
Other rules to be respected at customs, which also involve requirements for entry into Morocco at the time of crossing the border, if you make your trip by car.
An important note: all information published here is subject to change. This was evident during the Covid-19 pandemic, when modifications were common. We therefore advise you to check with your embassy or consulate what is required for travel to Morocco at this time. You can get more information on the Moroccan customs website.
Documents required for travel to Morocco
The documentation needed to travel to Morocco depends on where each person comes from, as some tourists are required to have a passport plus a visa and others, only a passport. Let’s see it.
Passport for Morocco
If you come from any of the following countries and arrive by plane or ferry, you only need a passport. In other words, you will not have to meet any other requirements to travel to Morocco
Algeria, Andorra, Australia, Austria, Argentina, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Canada, Côte d’Ivoire, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Gabon, Germany, Great Britain, Philippines, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Greece, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Norway, Oman, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Macao Administrative Region, Czech Republic, Romania, San Marino, China, Russian Federation, Senegal, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Togo, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America.
In these cases, a valid passport will be sufficient to enter Morocco, provided that you stay for a period of up to 90 days as a tourist, which can be extended for another 90 days. The passport must be valid for at least three months, although it is always advisable to have it for six months, as this leaves open the possibility of staying 90 days more (for this it is necessary to go to the Immigration office or Bureau des Étrangers and obtain such extension).
Therefore, Spanish citizens and many nationals of Latin American countries do not need a visa as a requirement to travel to Morocco as a tourist. It will suffice to carry the aforementioned passport and fill out a white form at the entrance and exit of the country, which is very easy to complete. In the case of travel by boat, the formalities of access to the country will begin on board the ferry.
Nationals of some countries do not need a visa but they do have some special limitations:
Need for an ESMA (electronic travel authorization to Morocco): Congo (Brazzaville), Guinea (Conakry), Mali.
Stay limited to 30 days (non-extendable): Hong-Kong, Maldives
Stay limited to 90 days (non-extendable): Malaysia, Hungary
Passport + visa for Morocco
If you come from a country that is not on the above list, the documents required to travel to Morocco are somewhat more demanding: to the above-mentioned valid passport you will have to add the visa procedure.
In this case, the formalities to be carried out are divided into two distinct moments: first, at the time of application and second, at the time of visa collection.
Documents to be submitted at the time of application:
Filling out application forms.
Bring two recent passport-size photographs.
Identity card or residence card or any equivalent document.
Passport valid for more than the duration of the stay.
Photocopy of passport (pages indicating identity and validity)
Bank statement
Request from an authorized travel agency or a recommendation from the Ministry of Tourism or the Delegation of the Moroccan National Office of Tourism
Documents to be presented at the time of visa collection
Round-trip ticket with firm reservation
Travel insurance
Hotel reservation or equivalent voucher
Chancellery fees
To submit all these documents needed to travel to Morocco, you will have to go to the consulate located in your country of origin. If there is no consulate in your country, you have to go to the nearest one. And if you are a foreign resident in your current country, you can go to the Moroccan Consulate in that country. For example, if you are Ecuadorian and reside in Spain. A website has also been set up to carry out these procedures: Acces Maroc.
Important note: these are the requirements to travel to Morocco as a tourist with an ordinary visa. But if you need another special visa, you can consult the procedures on the website of the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs: specifically, for an accreditation, diplomatic or service visa.
Entry requirements for Morocco at customs
If you plan to make the trip with your own car, you will have to fulfill more requirements to enter Morocco when you arrive at customs: in addition to passport control, you will have to request a form for the vehicle, fill it in and present it with all its papers in order.
This is the documentation that you will be asked for at customs as entry requirements to Morocco:
Declaration of temporary admission of the vehicle
Original of the vehicle registration certificate (carte grise) of the vehicle
Passport of the traveler
Insurance covering the Moroccan territory (carte verte)
Power of attorney of the owner of the vehicle, if the person entering with the car is not the owner.
If the car is a rental car, the contract stating that the agency authorizes the vehicle to be introduced in Morocco.
Only one vehicle can be taken per person and it is associated with the passport number of that person. Therefore, you should not leave Morocco without the car with which you entered. And when leaving through the border you must cancel the vehicle’s import permit, which is the document that was filled in when you entered the country.
How to fill in the temporary import permit for the vehicle?
This procedure is carried out at the Moroccan customs, although in order to simplify the process, a web form has been made available to users to complete the procedures online. In this form, the owner’s data, passport number, chassis identification, vehicle model and make, registration plate and date of registration must be filled in.
It is necessary that the person requesting the permit for the vehicle meets at that time the requirements for travel to Morocco, ie, you have your visa (if you need it) and your passport with the customs stamp. It is common to see people at customs who for a small tip (1€ – 10 Dh) will fill out the paperwork for you.
What can you import and export at the Moroccan customs?
We can speak of three types of objects according to the bureaucratic obstacles that are associated with them:
Objects of free import
Objects subject to special formalities
Prohibited import goods
Objects of free importation
It should be clarified that the concept of “free importation” implies the entry or exit of goods without payment of taxes, without the need to be declared and without other requirements for entry into Morocco.
In general, these free import objects are:
Personal jewelry
Musical instruments
Computer and other personal electronic devices
Wheelchair and other orthopedic accessories
Light sporting goods
Children’s toys (bicycles qualify, but drones do not)
Goods subject to special formalities
The importation of the following goods is not prohibited, but must meet certain requirements for entry into Morocco:
Plant products, with phytosanitary certificate, to be issued by a specialist at the border.
Animals and animal products, with veterinary certificate, issued by the National Office of Food Products Health Safety (ONSSA).
Medicines for personal use, with medical documents attesting to the need for their use (medical certificate, prescription, etc.).
Objects to be donated to local entities, with the documentation that accredits such entity (public utility, charity, etc.) and justifies the donation.
Hunting weapons and ammunition, with authorization issued by the National Security services.
Certain industrial products, with authorization from the department in charge of Industry and Commerce.
The second (and subsequent) units of telecommunications equipment, with approval from the National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (ANRT).
If they do not meet these requirements for entry into the country, the owner must pay the corresponding taxes or associated payments, or they may be deposited at customs for a maximum period of 45 days for regularization. After that time, if they have not been regularized or collected, they will be declared abandoned.
Prohibited Import Goods
None of these items may be imported into or exported from the country:
Weapons of war and ammunition
Writings, printed matter, audio-visual material and in general all objects that are contrary to good manners and public order
Counterfeit goods
Dirhams (local currency)
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