Top activities in Morocco

Top activities in Morocco

Top activities in Morocco, guaranteed immersion

Top activities in Morocco: At the intersection of Europe and Africa is Morocco. Its geographical location, rich culture and climate make it a prime tourist destination for those looking for a sunny break. With its long coastline on the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts, its Berber influences and its diversity of landscapes, Morocco is rich in contrasts, and its lands have been home to several dynasties over the millennia. Between sea, mountains, plains, dunes & deserts, panoramas follow one another, inviting you to disconnect, immerse yourself and explore.

Morocco, between sunset and tradition


Morocco, a country in North Africa and the Maghreb region, enjoys a warm, temperate Mediterranean climate, with oceanic nuances to the west along the Atlantic coast. An ideal climate for prolonging summer or spending winter in the sun. In fact, autumn is the ideal time to go to Morocco: you can avoid periods of rain or extreme heat and still benefit from a warm climate that’s more like summer than autumn in France (between 15 and 30°C approximately at this time of year). The vegetation becomes green again in autumn after the heat of summer has dried it out. On the other hand, winters can be rather cold (below 5°C), and snow can even be found at certain times and in certain regions.


Top activities in Morocco: Berber, Arab, and European influences are everywhere. This cultural richness makes Morocco a country of interesting architectural, gastronomic, human and artistic contrasts. Morocco is a true crossroads of cultures thanks to its geographical position and is also a melting pot of many peoples, including the best-known Arabs, Berbers, Jews, Haratines and Westerners. Trek in the footsteps of the Berbers from the oases to the desert and Berber Encounters, from the Ounila to the red mountains of the Tessaoute invite you to discover their culture and customs.

The architecture and colors that characterize the Moroccan atmosphere are known the world over. With Roman, Byzantine and Tunisian influences over the centuries and depending on the region, the architecture of the medinas, towns and villages has an authenticity and charm that is easy to recognize. Each town has its own unique atmosphere. Sumptuously decorated palaces, lush gardens hidden between buildings, souks, lively traditional villages, fishing villages… Morocco is a country rich in diversity.

Gastronomy & craftsmanship

The country is also renowned for its magnificent, ancestral and equally varied crafts: carpets, leather, woodwork, jewelry and goldsmithing, as well as ceramics (the colorful mosaics known as zelliges or tableware), pottery, basketry… in short, a multitude of skills handed down from generation to generation.

Trek and yoga at the gateway to the Atlas mountains is also a great way to discover Moroccan arts, while recharging your batteries and exploring the most beautiful landscapes in the region.

Moroccan gastronomy is just like the rest: generous, colorful, diverse and amazing. A stay in Morocco is therefore inevitably a journey for the senses and the taste buds. The use of spices is one of the hallmarks of Moroccan cuisine, along with vegetables and pulses (peas, lentils…). If you’ve never tasted Moroccan couscous or tajine, you haven’t really had a taste of Morocco! Meats such as mutton, chicken and lamb, or fish depending on the region, are skilfully added to create generous, hearty dishes that are shared in a convivial atmosphere. Finally, the famous mint tea, often accompanied by oriental pastries with almond, orange blossom or honey, is a Moroccan tradition when entertaining.

Nature activities for all tastes

There’s never a dull moment in Morocco. And whatever your taste or budget, there’s no shortage of activities in the land of the setting sun. If you want to avoid the classic (and not the most sober) activities such as quad biking or hot-air ballooning, the different regions and landscapes each offer plenty to keep you busy during your stay. Here are a few of our favorite activities for an active Moroccan holiday, combining nature and culture.

Immersion with the locals

The varied landscapes (desert, mountains, sea, palm groves, towns…) are the scene of life for the locals: coming into contact with these populations and integrating their daily life for a few days to understand their way of life and their ancestral traditions is a superb way to discover the country. Talking to the locals, learning how to set up a Berber camp in the middle of the desert, setting out on the trails with a nomadic caravan and surveying the varied landscapes: all these things keep you busy in the best possible way, opening up your mind and your horizons.


For those who love walking, trekking remains the best (and most sober) way of discovering Morocco’s varied landscapes and getting up close to the local population. Crossing the central High Atlas, for example, takes 5 to 6 days, with nights spent in tents or with local people, and climbing Mount Toubkal (the highest peak in North Africa at 4167m) generally takes 2 days. Many other itineraries exist for discovering the wild wonders of Morocco, but in all cases the disconnection is total and the eye is opened to new horizons, quite different from the landscapes we can find in France.

Water sports

Top activities in Morocco: With over 3,500km of coastline and numerous spots for water sports activities, Morocco is a small paradise for those who want to have fun all year round. While the south is home to some of Morocco’s best-known surfing spots, the north offers great options and spots for all levels. In addition to surfing, Morocco also offers other thrilling activities such as kitesurfing, stand-up paddling, kayaking, rafting, canyoning and windsurfing.

On this Multi-activity adventure in the Moroccan Atlas, you can try your hand at canyoning and other cool activities. Thrills guaranteed!

The Sidi Bouzid area offers superb waves, while Essaouira and its seaside resort offer a multitude of water sports activities, thanks to its strong winds from April to October.

Legzira beach in the south is considered one of the country’s most beautiful beaches, with its great ochre cliffs and over 8km of little-frequented beach.

More unusual activities

It’s not just on the water that you can find thrills in Morocco! The sand dunes provide a superb playground for activities such as sandboarding (imagine snowboarding, but on sandy slopes), or desert kitesurfing. Unusual experiences worth trying out, in the sublime scenery of the Moroccan deserts.

It’s also possible to ski in Morocco – yes, yes! Particularly at the Oukaimeden ski resorts in the High Atlas, with their natural snow cover and peaks of almost 3,000 m.

Mountain biking in rocky mountain regions is also a very popular activity for those looking to get away from it all and discover more remote areas. Here, the feeling of freedom is total, and the mountains provide just the right gradient to push yourself to the limit, while enjoying the sublime scenery on view.

On a Multi-activity adventure in the Moroccan Atlas, you can try your hand at rocky mountain biking and other cool activities. Thrills guaranteed!

Participatory tours and workshops

Visiting Moroccan cities, rich in culture and crafts, is a must. Fez, for example, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with highlights such as the Medina and the Fez Bou Inania Medersa (a religious university and one of the only religious monuments open to all).


Top activities in Morocco: A colorful and enchanting town on a rocky plateau with numerous palm groves, which has attracted many film producers who have chosen it as a shooting location.


Nicknamed the pearl of mother-of-pearl for its white facades and blue reflections, protected from the waves by the surrounding ochre ramparts. A fishermen’s town, its heart beats in the Medina and in the port, two essential and convivial places to live.


Marrakech is famous for its many monuments, impressive palaces and museums, as well as its souk, a veritable treasure trove of handicrafts. Nicknamed the Ochre City, it perfectly blends tradition and modernity, and is also an incredible art scene and the ideal place for new concepts. Its nightlife is remarkable.


Top activities in Morocco: The beautiful blue, with its blue and white facades, built into the mountainside. Its location attracts walkers ready to explore the surrounding mountain trails. It has a rich heritage and an atmosphere that makes you feel like you’re in a dream.

There are many other towns and villages to discover on a stroll, in more or less remote parts of the country. Moroccan authenticity and tradition are present wherever you go. To discover and immerse yourself in them, there’s nothing better than taking part in workshops such as a cooking class, a traditional Moroccan pottery or ceramics workshop, carpet weaving or the harvesting and production of oils or spices such as argan or saffron, for example.

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