A sightseeing tour of the cities of Morocco

A sightseeing tour of the cities of Morocco

Journey through the cities of Morocco. We will visit the following cities: Marrakech, Larache, Asila, Chefchaouen, Ouarzazate, Tangir, Foum-Zghid, Dakhla, Sidi Ifni, and Essaouira.


After exploring Casablanca and getting a lot of positive energy, you decide it’s time to move on and head to Asila, a town on the Atlantic coast of the northwest. For this you need to buy a first class rail ticket (164 dirhams).

You don’t want to spend 5.5 hours standing in a crowded 2nd class carriage, do you? So don’t be stingy. This way the trip will not exhaust you completely and you will still have energy to enjoy new experiences.

The merit of Asila is that it has preserved its ancient history. And walking through the streets of the city, you can immerse yourself in the charm of the picturesque medina. And then visit the beach and bask in the African sun and feel the time flowing.


Nearby Asila is another town worth visiting; Larache. It is situated among rocks and is famous for its Roman ruins. Do you really want to miss them? For only 15 dirhams, you can get in touch with eternity, with the once unbreakable culture, from which you are separated by centuries… And only one hour away by shuttle bus.


But if you don’t care much about the past conquests of the invincible Roman warriors, then you should visit Tangier. Leaving Asila (15 dirhams) you arrive in the city of artists, writers and unrecognized geniuses. Unfortunately, Tangier no longer possesses its former magnetism and after paying tribute to it, you move on.

If you are burning with a desire to feel the atmosphere of Morocco, welcome to Chefchaouen! For a long time this city was considered sacred and foreigners were not allowed even close. But civilization and the thirst for profit has done its work – now Shefshauen beckons, beckons, lures the curious. And offers tourists all kinds of benefits from hotels and restaurants to hashish.

By the way, cannabis is not unusual or illegal here. The city is literally surrounded by cannabis plantations, and hashish is smoked by everyone, unashamedly, and readily (and happily) distributed to all comers.

In spite of all these oddities, the city is unforgettably beautiful thanks to its location among the Rif Mountains. And the medina, colored in turquoise, indigo, ultramarine, sapphire and dozens of other shades of blue, gives it an atmosphere of fairy tale and unreality. To understand it even a little, you need to take a leisurely stroll through the winding streets while the city is still asleep, before the hustle and bustle engulfs it.


Marrakech is probably the most famous city in Morocco. Tourists of all countries are eager to visit it, all that’s left to do is plot an itinerary from Chefchaouen.

First you go to Tetouan (25 dirhams) and from there directly to Marrakech (225 dirhams by CTM). The journey lasts about 10 hours and gives you enough time to reflect on what you have seen so far and gather strength for new emotions.

The bus will take you straight to the medina and here you should settle down (room for two will cost about AED 100-180). Choose a hotel as close as possible to Jama’ El Fna Square. Only in this case you have a chance not to get lost in the ancient maze, which is formed by endless tangled streets.

And since you are in Marrakech, you will never forgive yourself if you do not spend a few days in the Atlas Mountains. For this you need to take a cab to the mountain village of Imlil. And if you want an even more unforgettable experience, climb 4,064 meters and conquer the highest mountain in North Africa. Remember its name – Jebel Toubkal and after returning home you can brag about your feat to everyone you know.


Fans of Moroccan cinema also have something to show. Starting from Marrakech by bus (from 60 to 80 dirhams), you in 4 hours will find yourself in African Hollywood. This is where the shooting of the famous “Lawrence of Arabia”, “Gladiator” and many other films took place.

The road from Marrakech to Ouarzazate runs right through the Atlas Mountains and will be remembered for its unique beauty. Beyond the southeastern edge of the vast mountain range lies the Sahara Desert, familiar to everyone since elementary school.

Thirty kilometers from Ouarzazate is the clay fortress (qasar) of Ait Ben-Haddou. You have never come across anything like it! Then it is worth visiting this place by taking one of the many grand cabs.

Todra Gorge.

The town of Tangir is located east of Ouarzazate and can be reached for 70 dirhams. Tangir itself is absolutely unremarkable, but has great neighbors – a picturesque oasis and the Todra Gorge. The gorge is a vertically steep cliffs, reaching a height of 300 meters.

This place is just created for each of us to realize all the greatness of nature and think about our place in the universe. But climbers have taken a fancy to these cliffs for a completely different purpose – to test their determination and endurance in practice.

Right in the gorge you will find hotels and restaurants. Consequently, you can comfortably spend some time here before continuing your exciting journey.

Fum Zgid and Erg Shigaga

From Tingir you can drive to another interesting place – the sand dunes of Erg Shigag. For this, buy a ticket for 60-70 dirhams to the southern village of Foum-Zghid (near the border with Algeria). And in Foum-Zguida itself, find people who offer excursions to the dunes.

According to the once established practice, you will be taken there, you spend the sunset, spend the night in a Tuareg village and meet the dawn and return to the village. Agree, the program is very exotic and worthy of your participation.

Dakhla. Western Sahara.

It is inconceivable that people who come to far Africa, would not want to see the legendary Sahara. Western Sahara (more than 1000 km) is considered to be a territory under the control of Maroko.

The city of Dakhla is located on an elongated peninsula. After surviving many hours of travel by bus, you find yourself at the boundary separating Africa from civilization. Literally at the edge of the earth, where time and space, politics and business, desires and excitement do not exist. All this is left far behind, as if in a past life…

You are surrounded by two unrestrained elements. On one side, the endless desert with its intolerable heat and dry winds; on the other, the boundless Atlantic Ocean, with its mighty waves. On the edge of these two great worlds, hold your breath and remember them forever.

Sidi Ifni

After an emotional rendezvous with eternity, it’s time to relax. The seaport town of Sidi Ifni is perfect for that, offering travelers a visit to the beach and a variety of seafood.

After that, take a grand cab (20-30 dirhams) and admire the arches of Legzir. It is only 15 kilometers from Sidi Ifni to the north and you just have to see it in person.


The last place we recommend to visit is Essaouira. For this you must first drive to Tiznit (25 dirhams by CTM bus) and then to Essaouira (another 80-100 dirhams).

The local attraction is the seaport, which has a special flavor and uniqueness. Come here on a clear early morning, before the frenetic rhythm of the day gets into full swing. Then, take your time to explore the city’s museums.

Clean beach, fresh seafood, discos and clubs are all at your service. Stay in one of the hotels in the medina (a double room costs 100AD) and you’ll have a great time sorting out all your memories of your trip to Marroco.

And come to terms with the need to leave the original Africa and return to normal life. For 100 dirhams you get from Essaouira to Casablanca. The train will take you directly to the airport (40 dirhams). In a few hours your homeland welcomes you.

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