Information about Agadir

Information about Agadir

Information about Agadir

Information about Agadir: The word Agadir means “fortified granary” in Berber. The origins of the town remain uncertain. In the early 16th century, the Portuguese established a fortress in the town (Santa Cruz de Cap de Gué), only to be driven out in 1541 by the Saadians. In the 17th century, the Alaouite dynasty ruled Morocco. But the Berber dynasty of Tazeroualt, rebelling against their authority, took control of the Souss region and turned Agadir into a major port. Important exchanges of Souss sugar for Guinea gold took place.

In the 18th century, the Alaouites regained control of the region and the port was closed. Around 1911, the Germans and the French clashed over the establishment of a naval base in the region. In 1930, Agadir was an important stopover for Aéropostale. Activity picked up again with agriculture and fishing. Major canning factories were established. Ravaged by an earthquake in 1960, it soon rose from the rubble. Today, Agadir is an international seaside resort, with an immense beach (9 km) of fine, well-sheltered sand. With its exceptionally mild year-round climate, Agadir attracts large numbers of visitors even in winter. You can swim here all year round! It also offers a wide range of excursions into the hinterland.

Information on Agadir TO DISCOVER :

The Kasba: The citadel was built in 1540 by Mohammed ech-Cheik. During the 1969 earthquake, only a few sections of the surrounding wall remained, some of which were later restored. It’s a magnificent spot from which to admire the sunset over the bay.
The port: Surrounded by canning and freezing factories, it is Morocco’s leading fishing port, the world’s leading sardine port and the country’s 4th largest trading port, exporting especially agricultural products from the Souss region. Fish are sold at the auction in the afternoons. Small restaurants on site offer exquisite fried dishes.
La Vallée des oiseaux: A small zoo on avenue Mohamed V . Birds from all over the world can be admired in their natural, well-represented environments, and a pleasant play area is available for children.
The modern city: Built a little further south to avoid the danger of new earthquakes, it discreetly combines modernity and elegance. Neighborhoods with beautiful green areas are separated by wide avenues. Highlights include the Post Office, the elementary school on Avenue des Forces Armées and the fire station, all by Zevaco, as well as the courthouse and town hall. The day ends with a pleasant stroll around the pedestrian-only Place Prince Héritier Sidi Mohammed, surrounded by a harmonious ensemble of modern buildings, cafés and boutiques.

Information about Agadir

Information about Agadir: The Museum: located within the precincts of the municipal theater. Built in 1992, it is dedicated to the popular arts of the Souss valley and Saharan regions.
The seafront: This recently-developed seaside district, located between Boulevard Mohamed V and the sea, is an invitation to take a pleasant stroll and discover fine examples of architecture combining modern and traditional styles.
The beach: Bordered by eucalyptus, pine and tamarisk trees, this magnificent bay with its calm waters and 9 km of fine sand is the perfect place to relax and soak up the sun, enjoy a refreshing swim or simply ride a magpie, horse or camel! All kinds of water sports are available.


Immouzzer des Ida Outanane: village in the western foothills of the Atlas mountains, 60 km north of Agadir The road is steep and winding. We’ll cross a surprising variety of reliefs: limestone plateaus, astonishing slopes, deep valleys with a wide variety of vegetation: argan trees and dwarf palms, above all. In the middle of this botanical garden, called “Paradise Valley”, appear the white houses of Immouzzer des Ida Outanane, surrounding a palm grove. The landscape is superb. As we descend into the palm grove, we can see the waterfalls gushing out on several levels. A 10-minute walk will take us to the most spectacular of them all, the so-called “bride’s veil”, and the small stone villages of Tidili and Tamarout.

Beekeeping is very important in the region. The Honey Festival takes place in Immouzzer des Ida Outanane in May.) Immouzzer honey is renowned for its scent of thyme and lavender. And don’t miss the local specialty: “amlou”, a mixture of honey, argan oil and crushed almonds, traditionally offered to newlyweds.
The coast towards Essaouira: This coastal road runs alongside some very fine beaches, including Tamrakht and Taghazout. After the Cap Rhir lighthouse, you can stop off at the village of Tamri, which marks the mouth of the Ameur river and is home to numerous banana plantations.

Argan trees also abound along this route. You’ll be surprised to see goats quite often on these trees, where they climb to graze on the shoots and then throw away the stones. Men and women will collect them and extract a delicious oil typical of the region. It’s called “argan oil”. An entertaining spectacle for visitors. The region is also of great value to ethnologists: numerous artefacts found in caves in the area demonstrate that it has been inhabited since prehistoric times.
Inezgane: 5 km south of Agadir. A quiet, pleasant white town nestling on a hill. It is famous for its silver jewelry. Its souk takes place on Tuesdays, near the Agadir-Aït Melloul road. Small, clean hotels at good prices.


Important town in the Souss region, 80 km east of Agadir. Very picturesque, surrounded by ramparts and flower gardens, “little Marrakech”, as it’s known, played an active role in Morocco’s history, earning itself a reputation as a “rebel town”. Independent and rebellious towards reigning dynasties, and repeatedly destroyed as a result, its heyday came in the 16th century when it became the first Saadian capital, thanks to Sultan Mohammed ech-Cheikh, who founded a major caravanning center here. In 1912, the rebel El Hiba used the town as a base for his resistance against the French army. Taroudant is famous for its silver jewelry and stone rifles. And for its magnificent hotel: “La Gazelle d’Or”. Today, Taroudant is the capital of the province that bears its name. A mainly rural, artisanal town, it lives quietly behind its walls, away from industrial modernism…


Its ramparts: Taroudant’s prestigious past has left us with magnificent walls flanked by square, crenellated towers, pierced by five huge gates giving access to the medina and its narrow, winding streets. It’s a pleasant place to take a walk, preferably at sunset. The view is magnificent.
Place Assarag: A very typical square, with its arcades and tiled roofs, this is the liveliest place in town. It’s where the locals meet for coffee.
Souks: Markets are held on Thursdays and Sundays. Not very extensive, but interesting without the risk of getting lost. You’ll find silver jewelry and objects made of Taroudant stone, typical of the region. A pleasant stroll, during which you may come across women in traditional dress: the blue haïk, reminiscent of the blue men of the desert.


Information about Agadir: Tioute: a large, beautiful palm grove 32 km south of Taroudant, grouping several villages and dominated by the ruins of a kasba still in very good condition. 5 km trail. From the terrace of the kasba, a magnificent view of the palm grove and the Souss plain. To the left, Taroudant in the distance.
Igherm: South of Taroudant, a small ksar clinging to the mountain (Anti-Atlas) at 1974 m altitude, home to craftsmen who make weapons and copper vessels. Magnificent scenery.
Tafraoute: 140 km from Agadir and at an altitude of 1,200 m, Tafraoute is situated on a unique and picturesque site, in the middle of a pink granite cirque that has undergone the phenomenon of disintegration, forming rounded rocks, piled one on top of the other and blazing in the sunset. The spectacle is grandiose, and the view over the palm grove superb. The road from Agadir to Tafraoute is beautiful and the scenery unforgettable, especially if you travel during the almond blossom season, which takes place in February. Many visitors and curious onlookers flock here to attend the various folkloric events on this occasion: the best troupes in the area perform here, as do the acrobats from neighboring Sidi Ahmed- Ou Moussa.

Information about Agadir

La Vallée des Ameln: 4 km north of Tafraoute, a valley of some 11 km, dominated by Djebel Lekst at 2359 m . The villages, densely populated and often ancient, cling to the mountainside, overlooking palm groves and small gardens watered by clear streams. Dazzling scenery! The houses are very typical, in the shape of nested cubes!
Oued Massa: After Tafraoute, you’ll come to the mouth of the oeud Massa and the Marabout of Sidi Rbat, a saint revered in the region. Massa was frequented by the Genoese in the 11th century. The Portuguese established a trading post here in the 15th century, replaced two centuries later by Agadir. In 1991, the area around the river mouth became the Sous Massa National Park. This 13,000-hectare marine and terrestrial reserve is home to numerous species of birds, amphibians and reptiles. A very interesting visit.

Agard- Oudad: 3 km south of Tafraout, village at the foot of a group of curiously shaped red granite rocks known as “le doigt”.
Tiznit : 90 km south of Agadir. 13 km away, you’ll find Aït Melloul, a small agricultural center with orange tree plantations and successful market gardening thanks to a very careful irrigation system. To the right, the road to Tiznit. Built in 1881 by Sultan Moulay Hassan on the threshold of the desert. Surrounded by beautiful ramparts, it is famous for its beautiful Berber jewelry, handcrafted by craftsmen. The town also symbolizes resistance to the Treaty of Fez, and it was here that the rebel El-Hiba proclaimed himself sultan in 1912 and set up his command post in Taroudant.

vInformation about Agadir: TO DISCOVER:

The town center: The town is surrounded by 6 km of ramparts, the main gate of which gives access to the Mechouar, the heart of the town. This large square framed by cafés and stalls with striped awnings is the liveliest part of town, especially on Thursdays, the day of the weekly market. From the ramparts, there’s a magnificent view of the palm grove.
The souks: A particularly good place to visit is the famous jewellers’ souk. There are also a number of antique stores selling beautiful antique weapons with inlays.
The Great Mosque: Very original, with its minaret topped by poles, according to legend, “so that the souls of the dead can rest there”. Next to the Mosque, a cement basin (the Blue Spring of Lalla Tiznit) has become a place of pilgrimage. Lalla Tiznit is said to have been a repentant sinner who became a woman-marabout, in other words, a holy woman.

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