Tanzania tour: your tailor-made adventure!

Tanzania tour: your tailor-made adventure!

Tanzania tour: your tailor-made adventure!

Tanzania tour: Discover Tanzania, its immense plains, its national parks, its wildlife, its mythical peaks, its beaches… according to your desires and your budget. Located on the east coast of the African continent, Tanzania has so many strings to its bow that it appeals to all dreamers, from trekkers to animal lovers. An unforgettable adventure in a unique setting…


Before planning your tailor-made trip to Tanzania, it’s important to take into account the time and budget you have available, so you can choose how you’d like to orient your stay: a safari to discover the savannah’s emblematic wild animals? An ascent of the mythical roof of Africa on the Kilimanjaro trek? A seaside getaway to discover local culture in the Zanzibar archipelago?

You can choose one of these options, or combine them, thanks to the expertise of our advisors.
One last question to ask yourself to create the trip of your dreams: when to go to Tanzania? Choosing the right season is crucial.

The dry season, from June to October, corresponds to the peak tourist season, which means higher visitor numbers and higher prices. On safari, animals are easier to observe thanks to the yellowed, shorn and dried grasses, which erase the relief, and the high temperatures, which make waterholes scarce, the privileged areas where animals gather.
To avoid the crowds, the period from December to March is a good alternative: although it’s a little warmer in Zanzibar, it’s also warmer in Kilimanjaro, which is a great advantage for high-altitude stages. The landscapes in the parks are greener, and the viewing conditions remain excellent.

November (“masika”, short rainy season) and the period from the end of March to the end of May (“mvuli”, long rainy season) are the low season. It’s best to avoid visiting Kilimanjaro during this period.
However, lodge safaris and Zanzibar getaways are still possible. For the “voya-joueurs” in you, going to Tanzania during the rainy season is a real gamble! And it can pay off on safari, since if you make it through the rains, you can enjoy the immensity of the national parks all to yourself. Place your bets!


For your tailor-made stay in Tanzania, we suggest you visit several national parks, of varying size and interest, depending on the number of days you have available. Together with your advisor, you’ll create the itinerary that suits you best, organized around emblematic parks. Aboard a 4×4, equipped with a sunroof for optimal wildlife observation, you travel with a French-speaking guide-driver who brings you his knowledge of the terrain and biodiversity, while ensuring the safety of your route. An indispensable ally for getting the feel of the country.

During your stay, you can take a safari to one of the four emblematic sites we’ve selected for you, or choose the one or ones that inspire you.


This iconic park, whose name means “endless plain”, offers a true immersion in the heart of the wilderness. Its vast, indistinguishable landscapes are reminiscent of wildlife documentaries about the famous Big Five. The Serengeti (4) is an extension of Masai Mara National Park, just across the border in Kenya. This is where the famous phenomenon of the great wildebeest and zebra migration takes place, as they move from one park to another throughout the year. Depending on the time of year you travel, it’s best to be on one side of the border or the other to see them… Ask your consultant, as this phenomenon holds no secrets for our experts! We invite you to spend at least two nights in the Serengeti.


What makes this reserve a must-see? The Ngorongoro Crater (5)! Located in the Rift Valley, which stretches from Ethiopia to South Africa, the crater is an immense caldera – the largest in the world – created by ancient volcanic activity. The crater is home to a large concentration of animals. Viewing the crater from both above and below is spectacular. Its lakes and marshes are home to almost 500 species of birds and quench the thirst of 25,000 large animals, including a huge colony of lions – the largest known in Africa.

Discovering the Ngorongoro Crater is highly regulated, and limited to a six-hour visit. That said, you can choose to spend one or more days in this area to explore all the other protected zones that make it up, such as Masai villages or the Ndutu area, located on the edge of the Serengeti Park, which hosts the great migration from late December to March. The icing on the cake is that many babies are born here at this time of year!


Tanzania tour: Less well known than the previous two parks, but just as beautiful. Tarangire (7) is home to a variety of landscapes, ranging from vast savannah plains where the life-giving river bed meanders, to beautiful hills covered with centuries-old baobabs. A surprising scenery, straight out of a children’s book.

And where there’s a baobab, there’s an elephant! Two specimens living in symbiosis. In the dry season, you can see groups of 250 elephants… not to mention many other species: lions, buffalo, leopards, giraffes and monkeys. There’s plenty to see! To fully appreciate the wonders of this park, we recommend a two-day stay.


Here’s a lovely little park to explore in a day! Often scheduled as the first stop on a safari trip to Tanzania, this natural treasure trove is a great place to start.
Lake Manyara Park (6) is located in the foothills of the Rift Valley, on the shores of Lake Manyara. A sublime setting between cliffs and water, where the spectacle of large colonies of birds fascinates all travellers.
On the paths and in the trees, baboons punctuate your visit, while hippos paddle serenely in the water. An idyllic setting!


To the east of Serengeti National Park, on the border with Kenya, we suggest you add Lake Natron (3) to your itinerary. At the foot of the Lengaï volcano – sacred in Tanzania – beautiful landscapes emerge. The lake is a popular spot for flamingos and travellers alike.

Here, you can stay next to a village, which you can visit with a local guide to learn more about its inhabitants and the ancestral culture of the Masai. If you wish, you can also take a walk along a river, culminating in a beautiful waterfall, ideal for a refreshing swim.

Between Manyara Park (6) and Lake Natron (3), a stop in the contemporary town of Mto Wa Mbu completes this approach to Tanzanian life. Here, you and your guide will discover local specialties – from banana cultivation to banana beer and a traditional meal. It’s an authentic way to get to know the country better!

Two types of accommodation are available for your safari tour:

Camping: This option is preferable for longer stays, as it requires complex and costly logistics (driver, cook, equipment). You sleep in small dome tents on a camp bed. The various camping sites – with their spartan comfort – are sometimes imposed by the national park in which you are staying. Wild camping is forbidden, mainly for safety reasons and to preserve the natural environment. This camping formula is ideal for backpackers and travelers wishing to get off the beaten track and experience their Tanzanian adventure to the full.


Tanzania tour: Built in the heart of nature on the outskirts of the various national parks, lodges are often small structures. You can choose the lodge category that suits you best, thanks to the advice of our experts. Lodge rooms take the form of small wooden chalets or typical “safari tents”. You’ll enjoy a comfortable environment: a dip in the pool, dinner in the restaurant and superb views of the surrounding countryside. In the Serengeti (4), you may be lucky enough to stay in a “tented camp”, made up of nomadic safari tents. In fact, the camp is moved in line with the great migration. A truly immersive experience, waking up to a world of wild animals…

To discover several national parks, we recommend that you devote five days to the safari, not counting the days of travel. If you have more time, you can round off your trip with some great hikes, in particular to discover Mount Meru (4565 meters). After a three-day hike, you’ll reach the summit with a breathtaking view of the famous Kilimanjaro (2). An ideal option for hikers who want to walk in Tanzania, or for trekkers who want to acclimatize before climbing the king of the country…


Kilimanjaro (2), presented as the highest peak on the African continent at 5895 metres, is in fact a massif, made up of 3 peaks. To the west lies Shira (3962 metres), to the east is Mawenzi (5149 metres) and in the center rises Kibo at 5895 metres, the famous highest peak commonly known as Kilimanjaro. At the summit of the latter, the goal of every trekker embarking on an ascent is to reach Uhuru Peak, meaning “summit of freedom”.

Kilimanjaro is a relatively quick summit to climb. The ascent is highly supervised to guarantee a certain level of comfort and essential safety: a team of French-speaking guides, assistant guides, porters and all the equipment needed to run the camp for a week. To maximize your chances of reaching the summit, a Kilimanjaro climb cannot be improvised.

That’s why Allibert Trekking does everything in its power to ensure a success rate in excess of 90%, while guaranteeing the safety of everyone involved, thanks to top-quality equipment (hyperbaric chamber, oxygen tank, satellite telephone) and a team trained in the management of AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness).
To reach the summit, we suggest you choose the route that suits you best.

There are four possibilities:

The Machame route :

7 days in total, with 5.5 days to climb and 1.5 days to descend. The classic route, the most popular because of its great diversity of scenery.

The Rongai route: 7 days in total, with 5.5 days to climb and 1.5 days to descend. The wilderness route, off the beaten track, more confidential, ideal for avoiding the crowds, especially during the high tourist season.

The Lemosho route: 8 days in total, with 6.5 days for the ascent and 1.5 days for the descent. The Quiet Route, with an extra day of acclimatization on the Shira plateau to optimize your chances of success.

The Northern route: 9 days in total, with 7.5 days to climb and 1.5 days to descend. The exceptional route, the most complete and least frequented, enabling a complete tour of the massif.
Climbing Kilimanjaro presents no real technical difficulties, i.e. no mountaineering skills or crampons are required.

Tanzania tour

Tanzania tour: The main factor to take into account is altitude, which you will have to manage throughout the climb, hence the essential notion of acclimatization. Before you set off, you need to be prepared to hike at altitude for several days at a time, sleeping in tents as temperatures drop day by day. High altitude can also cause symptoms such as headaches and nausea, due to the reduced oxygen supply. Finally, the descent, which takes a day and a half, certainly puts a strain on the knees.

It’s important for us to warn you, because the better informed and equipped you are, the more likely you are to succeed in this mythical ascent!

Despite the physical and mental difficulties that can be encountered on this legendary trek, the ascent to the roof of Africa is exceptional. What the trekker doesn’t know before setting off – but your advisor can assure you, because he’s done it! – is that the experience is indescribable.

Tanzania tour

First of all, the strength of the logistics team accompanying the group of walkers is impressive. A veritable caravan is set up. For example, for a group of 14 people, there are 2 guides and 4 assistant-guides, to manage the different levels and rhythms of walking. In addition, there are cooks and a myriad of porters who take care of all the camp equipment (tent, gas, food, nomad toilets) as well as everyone’s luggage. The climb is also an adventure to be experienced with them. The local team takes care of everything, clearing the way to set up camp: everything is ready when you arrive at the end of the day.

The scenery is equally varied, from equatorial forest with monkeys watching passers-by, to heather moors and giant ragwort that seem to come from another world, to close proximity to glaciers as you approach the summit.

On the last day of the climb, the start is at night, and the mind is put to the test, but the strength of the group makes all the difference. Solid shoulders and the unifying songs of the guides are the driving force. All the conditions are in place for success.
And once at the top, the sunrise. A magical sight. The panorama dominates the great plains of Kenya, which borders Tanzania, Mount Meru (4565 metres) and Mawenzi, Africa’s third highest peak at 5149 metres.

What if it were you?

At the end of the trek, you can choose to complete your tailor-made trip with a safari. Over three days, you’ll visit Lake Manyara Park (6), Tarangire Park (7) and discover the Ngorongoro Crater (5). With an extra week, you can go as far as Serengeti Park (4). If, on the other hand, you only have one day, we recommend exploring Arusha National Park, not far from Kilimanjaro (2). This small park is home to Mount Meru, also fascinating from below, and offers a wealth of wildlife, including the rare black-and-white colobus monkey.

For trekkers or safari explorers wishing to add a marine touch to their Tanzanian discovery, nothing beats a detour to the Zanzibar archipelago (1) and its splendid seabed…


Tanzania tour: If you’ve started your trip with a safari or trek in Kilimanjaro, you can fly directly to Zanzibar (1) from Arusha international airport. Then, on your return, take a local flight to Europe.
Zanzibar is an archipelago made up of a main island, Unguja, and two secondary islands, Pemba and Mafia. It’s the ideal place for a seaside break, amid tidal lagoons and fine sandy beaches. The latter are a veritable promenade, where you can watch the waltzes of fishermen and the little hands who cultivate seaweed and plants to make cosmetics. A first immersion in local life.

If you’d like to explore one of the islands and take time to rest too, we recommend that you plan at least four days in Zanzibar during your trip. All types of accommodation are available on the islands. Together, we’ll choose the comfort that suits your needs and your budget, usually with a refreshing swimming pool for those days when the tide prevents you from taking a dip.

On the island of Unguja, there’s something for everyone, from a relaxing getaway by the ocean to coral reef observation and cultural visits.
A foray into the Jozani forest, located in the south of the island, perfectly completes the nature adventure of your trip. Here, red colobus monkeys and blue vervet monkeys are king. Your local guide will also explain the different species of trees, as well as the mangroves and how they are exploited.

Tanzania tour

On the gastronomic side, explore a plantation and discover the cultivation of spices: cloves, pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg and exotic fruits. A comprehensive guided tour allows you to appreciate each spice, by tasting it and learning about its cultivation methods. For those with a taste for other cultures, we can also organize a cooking class so you can taste Zanzibari specialities and learn all the secrets to reproduce them at home.

In terms of culture, take the time to visit Stone Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its architecture, with its Arab, Indian and African influences, bears witness to the different cultures that have succeeded one another and rubbed shoulders over time. Stroll through its narrow streets, past carved wooden doors and religious buildings. In the evening, stroll through the Forohani garden night market, a true snapshot of local life, for a 5-senses adventure.

Water sports are another of the island’s strong points. Take a traditional dhow out for a day on the water, with snorkeling and beach barbecues on the program. For scuba diving enthusiasts, there are plenty of spots to choose from and the experience is breathtaking. If time permits, set sail for Mafia Island National Marine Park, in the south of the archipelago. The largest marine protected area in the Indian Ocean, its crystal-clear depths are home to an impressive coral reef, home to almost 400 species of fish. Between October and March, you can also observe the whale shark. An unforgettable experience!

Tanzania tour

Tanzania tour: All excursions can be booked in advance, which is preferable if you wish to visit with a French-speaking guide. If you prefer to wait until you arrive, you can also make your choices directly at your hotel. The local guides will then be English-speaking.

Now you know everything, all you have to do is choose! Whatever the case, you’re sure to be seduced by this timeless country, where the world of animals takes you back to childhood, climbing Kilimanjaro leaves you with unforgettable memories and discovering Zanzibar offers you a well-deserved rest. So, are you more into safari, Kili or beach paradise (or the trilogy)?

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