What souvenirs to bring back from Morocco

What souvenirs to bring back from Morocco

What souvenirs to bring back from Morocco

What souvenirs to bring back from Morocco: Heading off to Morocco on vacation soon? Make sure you leave plenty of room in your suitcase: you’ll want to bring back plenty of souvenirs! A land of artisans, Morocco offers beautiful handmade souvenirs around every corner, and it’s hard not to fall in love! Bring back a few objects to decorate your living room, and some spices or foods to enjoy the scent of Morocco at home. Here are just a few (non-exhaustive!) ideas for souvenirs to bring back from a trip to Morocco.

Moroccan pastries

This is surely what you’ll miss most when you return home: Moroccan cuisine. Perfectly seasoned and highly aromatic, it delights the taste buds of all travelers. And for those with a sweet tooth, nothing beats the famous Moroccan pastries, now sold all over the world. Made with honey and often almonds, they are a true delight. Don’t hesitate to pick up several kilograms as a gift for friends and colleagues.

Argan oil

Argan oil is a must-have souvenir from Morocco, as the argan tree is endemic to the country! Although there are a few other plantations around the world, it’s only in Morocco that argan is grown naturally. In particular, Essaouira, the white city, is famous for its argan.

Argan oil is good for both cooking and cosmetics. Thick, yellow and with a strong nutty aroma, it has many benefits. When cooking, add it to your salads: it’s delicious! You can also buy argan-based lotions, creams, shampoos and other beauty products.


What souvenirs to bring back from Morocco: Morocco is also known for its leather production: everywhere you look in markets, medinas and souvenir stores, you’ll see a wide range of leather products on display. In fact, Moroccan leather is considered one of the finest in the world.

A typical souvenir, babouches are traditional Moroccan slippers. They can be worn indoors or out. You can also buy other leather objects, such as beautiful handbags at a lower price – they’re sure to be easier to carry than babouches – or lanterns. If you have a little time, order something made-to-measure (the bag of your dreams, boots in your size) from a craftsman: you won’t regret it!


Bring back some ceramic plates or a beautiful Moroccan tea set from Morocco. These are often covered in silver and very elegant, as well as being unique with the glasses that serve as cups. If you love to cook, buy an earthenware tajine to concoct delicious Moroccan dishes at home!

Berber rugs

If you’re looking for lasting interior decoration, opt for a Berber rug. Hand-woven by the Berbers of North Africa, they’re made entirely of wool and in a natural way. You’ll need to wash them several times to remove the smell of sheep, but that’s a guarantee of quality and originality! Each rug is unique and handmade, symbolizing Berber beliefs and traditions passed down from generation to generation for centuries.

Silver jewelry

What souvenirs to bring back from Morocco: Last but not least, Morocco is the ideal place to fill your jewelry box: you’ll find many creations, particularly in silver, in souks and specialized stores. If you’re looking for a piece of jewelry to keep as a souvenir, opt for a bracelet or necklace with Berber motifs.

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