5 Reasons to visit Morocco after the earthquake

5 Reasons to visit Morocco after the earthquake

5 reasons to visit Morocco after the earthquake

5 Reasons to visit Morocco after the earthquake: The earthquake that struck Morocco last September 8 was one of the most devastating in the history of the country: more than 3,000 fatalities and numerous injured, with epicenter in El Haouz and significant reach in Marrakech, the main tourist city. Therefore, there are those who may have doubts about visiting Morocco after the earthquake, but in this post we want to give five great reasons to keep your idea of doing so.

#1. It is the second best way to help

The best way to help Moroccans in these hard times is, logically, to contribute financially or to do some kind of humanitarian work, either as a volunteer on site or by collaborating with NGOs deployed in the area. But it can be said that the second best way to help is precisely to visit Morocco after the earthquake: the country and especially Marrakech base much of its economy on tourism, so traveling here serves to restore normality as far as possible, since the professionals who will assist you here will be happy to continue receiving travelers.

#2. The most important thing is still standing

A Unesco mission immediately went to Marrakech (a city declared World Heritage Site) and other protected areas to assess the damage to the heritage. And although many historic buildings have been affected, it can be said that the most important remains standing, ready to be admired by tourists. Damage from the tragedy may be visible, such as cracks and other damage, but important symbols such as the minaret of the Koutoubia or the red ramparts will continue to welcome all travelers. And if you are planning to cross the Atlas Mountains, you will be interested to know that our routes do not pass exactly through the epicenter of the earthquake, but through another pass further north (Tizi n’Tichka), so that the devastation and the effect on communications are much less here.

#3. Nature, untouched

5 Reasons to visit Morocco after the earthquake: This earthquake is another example of the strength of the Earth. Compared to the nature of the planet, the human being is very small. And, in fact, this tectonic movement has hardly affected the environment: its landscapes remain intact, its mountains maintain their slenderness and the microcosm that populates its protected spaces retain their perfect balance. Therefore, if what you are looking for is an encounter with the wildest nature, the High Atlas remains a spectacular place to discover.

#4. An interesting contact with the local population

One of the hallmarks of Morocco Tourism is that we know the local population, as we are fully rooted in the field. And in fact, we like to organize experiences of coexistence with the local people. Therefore, if you travel with us, you will have the opportunity to come into contact with people who have experienced the earthquake and its consequences. The interesting thing here is not to learn about their suffering, but above all to admire their way of getting up, overcoming adversity and looking to the future.

#5. Reduced influx of tourists

5 Reasons to visit Morocco after the earthquake: Another foreseeable consequence of the earthquake is a small reduction in tourism in the months immediately after the earthquake. Therefore, visiting Morocco after the earthquake means discovering the country with an extra sense of tranquility, without large crowds or overcrowding. And this reduction in tourist activity may affect prices, resulting in somewhat more convenient aspects such as flights in and out, especially at the airport of Marrakech-Menara.

So if you are planning to visit Morocco after the earthquake, contact our agency and we will arrange the most suitable program, taking into account all the aspects derived from the tragedy and configure a package with the same high quality standard as the one we are used to offer.

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